Sunday, September 21, 2008

Very Dangerous Virus

I am sure that every people known about the virus. But do you alert about the new and dangerous virus. A dangerous Trojan spying on your computer while connecting to a remote attacker is a threat big enough, in itself. What if the same malice has peer-to-peer creeping ability too? Security experts at MicroWorld Technologies inform that ‘Trojan.Win32.Inject.t’ or ‘W32/Inject-H’ is a new peer-to peer worm with IRC backdoor Trojan capacities. ‘Inject.t’ can run in the background of a computer by working as a Server that allows a hacker to control the system via IRC channels. Exploiting Windows vulnerabilities, this worm will proliferate in networks. First it copies itself into a shared folder on the local machine. From there, the P2P network takes over to contact other computers in the network and helps them download and execute the infected file.

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